It's Going To Be A Long Summer Vacation

Hello everyone!

Just read the news yesterday that, apparently, our school calendar will shift and Academic Year 2014-2015 will start in August. Four months out of school, and that means a lot of time for papercrafting. So much time I could devote to it and yet...

My problem, and this has always been my problem for years and years, I cannot stop reading. I would start reading something and say, "Oh, just two chapters today." or "Just those two articles," and then I will do chores. Or do some crafts. No. That never happens. I would devour that book till the last page, and would realize the day has come and gone. Sometimes, I would realize, months have passed. 

I wish I could say, "I will do crafts this coming four months and nothing but that," but I'm sure it won't be true. I'll try my best. I hope this would be better than my New Year's Resolutions where none ever came close to happening.

Here's me. Giving myself a pep talk to do creative things in the next four months. GO!


Today, I learned a new word.


Hello everyone!

I said I'm going to post something around the 15th. Well, the 16th pretty much still hugs around the 15th, yes? Anyway, I was just so tired last night to post anything at all, so I'm doing it now.

Yesterday, Gerry had a signing at Comic Odyssey for one of his comic books. Also, we got to deliver 10 of these box sets as well. We offered 20 box sets but as it is submissions time at the uni, I wouldn't be able to do that for the 15th. So, 10 sets, and another set for delivery on April 12th for this Summer Komikon or the Philippine Komiks Convention. I actually made something similar back in 2009 for Elmer comics.

Anyway, what is a box set? I think, you guys are familiar with your dvd or Blu-ray box sets, right? It's similar to that. It is a set of related materials in a box, simply put. For this one, it is a set of printed and handwritten materials related to the comic book Wasted. My husband made this comics 20 years ago and it still has such a following up to today. This edition is the third printing, excluding the one that was printed in Fudge magazine years back. Now, for Summer Komikon, we are going to launch another comic book written by my husband and drawn by my cousin, Arnold Arre, titled Rodski Patotski. It's in full color and printing is not really cheap so we thought of raising some funds for that. One of them was to produce these box sets.

It contained a hardbound copy of Wasted with a slipcase. If you look at the above photo, the book is the one splattered in red paint and the one behind it is the slipcase. It goes inside the bottom compartment of the box which is also the main box, and on top of it, there is another compartment for the extras as shown here:

The box is black to complement the comics, and lined inside with a textured red board because textured board is very glue-friendly. The bottom inside of the main box has strips of black board that act as corbel to hold up the top compartment. It also has a black ribbon to pull up the book as it would be difficult to remove it without something aiding it up. If you also notice, the top compartment also has a ribbon loop so it would be easy to pull it up as well.

Here's the inside so you can see more clearly:

And here's Zara, wrapping and labeling the boxes in Japanese (tissue) paper and plastic bags to avoid dirt and grime sticking to them. And of course, I wouldn't want the photo on top sticking to the plastic:

Here's a link to the digital version of the comics if you want to read it. Be ready for the angst! You will know also why the book cover is splattered in red paint.

Wasted Comics Online

Here's a link to my husband's web site:


I would like to make a video or photoset tutorial for these boxes. Sometimes, though, when I'm so into it, I forget what other things I'm supposed to do. I hope I don't forget this time.

See you next time!

Ms. Ilyn is a licensed architect who decided that teaching arts and crafts, or making them, is way more fulfilling than dealing with contract documents, estimates and technical specifications. She taught Architectural Drafting and Painting to High School Students for five years, and Arts for Pre-K to Grade 3 Pupils for three years. Now, she's back to dealing with the nitty gritty of architecture, but the meditative aspect of papercrafting remains unchanged.

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